Careers at Qure

Qure is like a family. A growing family. There’s lots of love, lots of challenges, but ultimately we are in it together to become the world’s leading resolution provider to the home improvement and renewable energy sectors.

Work hard, play hard

Humour is a must amongst our team. We are humble, yet rowdy; slightly rebellious but absolutely love working hard for clients and consumers. We place great importance in our recruitment process to ensure that our team are extremely high performing. But we also believe in the importance of personality, and at times, prioritise that over process.

Accredited living wage employer

Accredited living wage employer

The real Living Wage is the only rate calculated according to the costs of living. It provides a voluntary benchmark for employers that wish to ensure their staff earn a wage they can live on, not just the government minimum. Since 2011 the Living Wage movement has delivered a pay rise to almost 400,000 people and put over £2 billion extra into the pockets of low paid workers.

Perks of the job

Hybrid working environment

Flexible working environment

23 days annual leave + bank holidays

Extra holidays with service

Closed at Christmas!

Private health insurance

16 weeks paid parental leave

Adoption friendly policies

Company pension scheme

Company life assurance scheme

Home working allowance

Home improvement discounts

Company sick pay

Free eyecare vouchers

Optical cashback plan

Dental cashback plan

Private financial wellbeing support

Private mental wellbeing support

Our different departments

We have a number of departments, but don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunity to try a few of them:




Digital triage

Multiple departments of equal importance

Although they are classed as different departments, we always strive to ensure the company feels like one department. Many of our colleagues have moved across departments, and our induction programmes will allow you to sample each of them.

Shared services

We have other shared service departments, including:

Finance and supply chain


Sales and marketing

Network delivery



Simplying career pathways
Simplying career pathways.

The recruitment process

1. Apply for the job

Apply via the website, job boards, or even just email us your CV.

2. Video intro call

Early in the process, we run through details such as pay, working hours, etc. It’s also an early opportunity for you to ask us any questions about the company.

3. Face-to-face interview

An interview with your potential line manager, focused on the job specifics.

4. Final interview

The final interview is with another manager and focuses more on your personality and whether you are a good cultural fit. Normal a video call and kept informal.

5. Candidate evaluation

Like the X-Factor judging bit, but with out the photo cards. This is where we make our decisions.

6. Offer

Any offer is normally made by phone and followed up in writing. We provide induction details, contracts, and offer letters. We agree a start date and it’s then go-time!

Job board

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