Embracing Change: Introducing The Qure Group

Change is the only constant; we are thrilled to embark on an exciting new chapter in our journey. We are proud to introduce our rebranding from QASSS to The Qure Group, and we can't wait to share this evolution with our valued partners and clients.

Why the change?

Our decision to rebrand didn't happen overnight; it was driven by a deep desire to align our corporate identity with the remarkable growth and transformation we've experienced in recent years. We realised that our previous name, QASSS, no longer accurately represented the essence of our organisation. Our company had evolved and expanded far beyond the limitations of our old name. The Qure Group reflects who we are, where we're headed, and the significant impact we aspire to make in the industry.

Solving the confusion

In the past, we faced challenges where people struggled to understand what we did, and our name often left them perplexed. We took this feedback to heart, and it played a crucial role in selecting "Qure" as our new name. The "Q" is a nod to our past, but it's also a fitting symbol of our mission - "Quality use of resolution expertise." It perfectly encapsulates what we do: providing quality solutions and expertise in resolution.

A new beginning

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your unwavering belief in our capabilities has fuelled our journey. It is your trust, partnership, and support that have enabled us to evolve and grow. We are genuinely excited to share this new phase of our story with you.

The Qure Group represents a fresh beginning, filled with exciting possibilities and a renewed commitment to achieving even greater heights together. We look forward to continuing this journey of success and partnership with all of you, under our new name, The Qure Group. Thank you for being part of our story.

Stay tuned for more updates and news as we embark on this exciting rebranding adventure!